White Marble Steps Productions is pleased to offer Voices and Other Unsettling Tales in both paperback and Kindle e-book formats.
Our goal is to bring you extraordinary book offerings available on Amazon.
Coming this spring: Dust and Forever—a novel of the medieval and modern worlds crashing together; of characters who are more, and less, than what they seem; of a quest to thwart the ultimate blasphemy; of a hero’s grasp at redemption and finding that love may be the most powerful magic of all.
Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, Rod Serling, Shirley Jackson, Ray Bradbury, Damon Knight—okay, so you won’t find any of their stories in this anthology. But, wait . . . within the pages of Voices and Other Unsettling Tales you will find bits and pieces of these authors. No, not literal bits and pieces. Yuck! That would leave the pages lumpy and stuck together. Who would think such a thing?
What you will find, I believe, is the above authors’ strong influence—their love of stories that twist the readers’ expectations, their enchantment with the English language, and their dedication to providing readers the very best they have to offer.
The tales range from Poe-esque offerings hearkening back to the 19th century to the modern day macabre. Strange, unsettling, and thought provoking—with sometimes a moral pushing its way into the story and, well, sometimes not—you can enjoy this anthology in snippets amidst a busy schedule or, as most likely will be the case, you'll consume it entirely in one sitting because you will not be able to put it down.
Alan Amrhine writes from Baltimore, the town that killed and buried Poe.
When the fog drifts in from the harbor and lies wet on the cobblestones; when that mist envelops any sharp sounds and pulls them to the ground like dying pigeons; when the ghosts walk unseen and unknown through that cold steam—listen, and you can hear it, there at the edge of reason. You can feel it thrum—insistent!—until it rattles your bones.
It is the beating of the old man’s heart.
Obviously, he has a fascination with Edgar Allan Poe. He was actually named for him, but, as a kid, a bully knocked the “L” out of him, and so he is left merely as Alan. Other influences include Stephen King, Shirley Jackson, Ray Bradbury, H.P. Lovecraft, Dylan Thomas, Damon Knight, Dean Koontz, Raymond Chandler, Dr. Seuss—there are so many. The great Rod Serling hooked him early with The Twilight Zone.
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